Saturday, 15 October 2016

ISIS Leader Calls for American Muslim Voters to Support Hillary Clinton

Amadh Abu Makmud Al-alwani (In Picture Above)
- Top ISIS leader now believed to be the number two behind the terrorist organization, Amadh Abu Makmud Al-alwani, put up a video this week following the second presidential debate asking American Muslim voters to support Hillary Clinton.

- The controversial video that was taken down by YouTube only hours after it was uploaded showed top ISIS leader Amadh Abu Makmud Al-alwani threatening those who would decide to vote for Donald Trump and calling them “infidels” and “goat f—-ers”.
    “ All Muslims who will show support for the dog-faced Trump are guilty of masiya (mortal sin) ”
    – ISIS No.2 leader, Amadh Abu Makmud Al-alwani

He also claimed that even if Hillary was a woman and a “two face devil”, had the “charm of a pig” and was “treacherous as the snake”, that the Democratic presidential hopeful was at least in league with the “allied countries of the Islamic state” such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Supporting the “dog-faced” Trump

Al-alwani also warned all Muslims not to take his warnings lightly and that supporters of Trump would be severely punished on earth and in Jannah (after life).

“Trump is a dog, he is the scum of the earth. He boasts that he will take our oil and join Russia, Syria and the Shia Iranians against us in our holy fight” he added, visibly angry.

“This (dog-faced) scumbag must not reach Washington. Although it is a sin to put an inferior being such as a woman into a position of power, it is the true plan of Satan to divide the Muslims of America. It would be dirty and danis (filthy) to vote for Trump,” he explained.

Amadh Abu Makmud Al-alwani has risen as a prominent ISIS leader figure since coalition forces carried out a “precision strike” last August, successfully targeting Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, number two of the terrorist organization at the time.

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