Tuesday 3 January 2017

Photos: Young American Couple Spent $155K Within Three Years On Medical Bills On Their Pet Dog

Kate and Ben Stern from Brooklyn have spent $155,000 worth of medical treatment over the past three years on a French Bulldog they adopted in 2013 and named Jones. They love him so much he played the very important role of ring bearer at their wedding. 

Things however turned sour few months after his adoption when he began vomiting and later choked on his own vomit and got pneumonia. The couple went all out in a bid to save the life of their beloved pet. Ben, a software developer at Dropbox, said: 'Your pet's life shouldn't have to be a financial decision.'

Jones's first visit to the vet following the initial vomiting saw him being put on the ventilator, which cost $10,000. With a 30 percent chance of survival, he was moved to a pet hospital where his eight-day stay cost $40,000.
Since his initial visit, Jones has been put on a ventilator three times as he suffered from chronic lung and esophagus problems. The couple's medical bills have come out to around $155,000, much of which has been covered by pet insurer Trupanion. Kate, a manager at Uber, said: 'Our savings has taken a pretty big hit, but it's worth it to keep Jones with us.'

Source: Daily Mail

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