Saturday 21 January 2017

Video: Finally! Gambia's Ex-President, Yahya Jammeh, Steps Down

Immediate past president of Gambia, Yahya Jammeh, has stepped down from office. He announced his decision in a Nationwide broadcast he addressed last night.

"I have decided today in good conscience to relinquish the mantle of leadership of this great nation with infinite gratitude to all Gambians. I promise before Allah and the entire nation that all the issues we currently face will be resolved peacefully. It is not necessary that a single drop of blood be shed" he said

There have been an international outcry calling for him to step down after he lost the December 1st Presidential poll to Adama Barrow, his successor.

After the election, Yahya conceded defeat to Barrow but later changed his decision, accusing the electoral commission of fraud. He said he will not be stepping down until a fresh election is conducted.

On Tuesday, the former Gambian president who had been in power for 22 years, announced a state of emergency on the country for a period of three months. Adama Barrow, his successor, was sworn into office on Thursday January 19th in Senegal.

Click Here For Video ➤

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