Friday 20 January 2017

Vladimir Putin Has Hailed Russia's Prostitutes As 'The Best In The World'

Russian President Vladimir Putin has hailed his country’s prostitutes as the ‘best in the world’ – but furiously denied suggestions that Donald Trump spent time in their company during a visit to Moscow.
The Russian head of state was addressing unsubstantiated claims that Trump had visited prostitutes during a 2013 visit to the capital, and that Russian officials complied a dossier of comprising information about him.

Putin dismissed the claims as ‘complete nonsense’, and slammed those responsible for the reports as being ‘worse than prostitutes’.
‘This is an adult man first of all and, apart from that, a man who for many years took part in organising beauty contests and has communicated with the world’s most beautiful women’, Putin told the assembled press.
‘I find it difficult to believe that he immediately headed off to the hotel to meet with our girls of reduced social responsibility.’
Somewhat bizarrely, he then took the opportunity to praise the country’s sex workers as ‘the best in the world.’
The claims concerning Mr Trump were originally made last week by former MI6 agent Christopher Steele, who alleged that Russian secret services had compiled a dossier of incriminating information against the President-elect.
Mr Putin added: ‘People who order such fakes that are now circulating against the President-elect fabricate them and use them in political struggle are worse than prostitutes.
‘They have no moral restrictions whatsoever.’
Donald Trump is due to be inaugurated as U.S. President on Friday.
Source: Yahoo news

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